Listening to something soothing works well for me. I have a couple of favourites, on Youtube, search “waves on a beach with a palm tree” and you’ll find a peaceful soundtrack featuring gentle waves.  (Bert, T-6)

I encourage other people who are high level quadriplegics to do it. If you’re interested in getting out there, there’s a way. Don’t let anything hold you back.  – Reg

What Is SCI

I woke up and couldn’t move much, and all I remember was how bad it hurt. There were all of these words and acronyms being thrown at me – “T12, ASIA A, complete…” All I knew was I couldn’t move, pee, poop or roll over at that...

Spinal Cord Injury

I had literally NO idea about SCI before I was injured. like pretty much everyone else, I thought people in wheelchairs were completely paralyzed, their backbones were “broken” and they couldn’t walk. Full Stop.